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Australian Human Rights Awards

Honour your human rights heroes.

Pay tribute to champions of social justice.

Celebrate the dynamic spirit of our community.

The Australian Human Rights Awards is an inspirational showcase of the best in all of us. The Awards honour and celebrate diverse human rights heroes and significant achievements in protecting and promoting human rights in Australia.


The Australian Human Rights Awards will take a break in 2024. As a small organisation with limited capacity, we have to make careful decisions about how we allocate resources. 

This year we prioritised delivery of the Free + Equal Conference, a major 2-day human rights forum and culmination of our 5-year project. Unfortunately, the Commission does not have the capacity to produce a second major event this year. 

We will bring back the Awards in 2025. Stay tuned for the call for nominations in June 2025.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes

Three people at a computer

The Awards are your opportunity to honour and promote the work of our unsung heroes of human rights as well our more high profile achievers.

Help shine a light on the work of human rights champions who often go unrecognised for their efforts in advancing and defending human rights in Australia.


2023 Australian Human Rights Awards finalists

Women’s equity and racial equality advocate Juliana Nkrumah AM has been awarded the prestigious 2023 Human Rights Medal. 

Other awards went to:

  • Gabriel Osborne (Young People’s Award)
  • Northern Pictures (Media and Creative Industries Award)
  • Advocacy Tasmania (Community Award)
  • Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Law Award)

A diverse array of people and organisations from across Australia were selected as finalists for the 2023 Australian Human Rights Awards. There were 260 nominations across five categories.

The award recipients were announced at a ceremony in Sydney on Friday 8 December, just two days before International Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You can watch a recording of the livestreamed event.

Read the media release.

Headshot of woman with long dark hair wearing glasses
Mechelle Turvey
Read ABC news report
Headshot of woman with short dark hair wearing glasses and a red jacket
Juliana Nkrumah AM
LinkedIn profile
headshot of woman with long grey hair pulled up and back wearing white coat
Dr Helen Watchirs OAM
LinkedIn profile
Economic Justice Australia logo
Economic Justice Australia
Economic Justice Australia website
Aboriginal legal Service of Western Australia logo
Aboriginal legal Service of Western Australia
ALSWA website
Humna Rights For All logo. Underneath is image of people of various ages, genders and cultural backgrounds.
Human Rights For All
Human Rights For All website
headshot of woman with long dark hair wearing an orange floral top with SBS Insight logo underneath
Insight | SBS TV
Insight webpage
Picture of group of people in formal outfits. Northern Pictures logo underneath
Northern Pictures
Northern Pictures website
Robin Japanangka Granites on Arrernte Country
Common Ground
Common Ground website
Woman with short brown hair wearing grey jacket
Anne Connolly
LinkedIn profile
Square Peg Round Whole logo
Square Peg Round Whole
Square Peg Round Whole website
Advocacy Tasmania logo
Advocacy Tasmania
Advocacy Tasmania website
Equality Australia and Sydney World Pride logos
Equality Australia & Sydney WorldPride
Equality Australia website
Sisters Inside logo
Sisters Inside
Sisters Inside website